Tech Demos
This is where all the tech demos made in the Worlds engine go. Their purpose is to show off the capabilities of the game engine, most of them focus on graphics and beautiful landscapes. You can click on their icons to see a screenshot of the tech demo.
Altar - A pretty simple 3D program with an altar and fire. This tech demo was inspired by a 3D program with the same name made by Miroslav Nemecek, made in his engine called Peter. It contains an easter egg, can you find it?

Download Altar (2.07 MBs)

Christmas - A tech demo made for Christmas 2022, it demonstrates the use of a prototype version of a custom MDL format for models, also the use of UI elements which can be customizable by editing the text file that creates the UI elements, the use of MP3s and overall new organization of the game engine.

Download Christmas (3.31 MBs)
